September 21, 2008

Cooking Oils that are Healthy for You

There are oils used for cooking that are healthy to use when preparing meals. These oils have less fat and reduces the risk of developing heart disease. It is good to use olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, walnut oil, and flaxseed oil when preparing meals.

Olive oil has a high amount of monosaturated fats and polyphenols, which are antioxidants that have inflammatory and anticlotting properties. This oil can lower the risk of heart disease, reduce the chances of cancer and diabetes, and can help a person to lose weight. A diet that is rich in olive oil may have pain-relieving properties that are similar to taking a low-dose baby aspirin each day.

Canola Oil has a low level of unhealthy saturated fats and is a good source of alpha-linolenic acid, which is an omega-3 fatty acid that is healthy for the heart. This oil can also reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Peanut oil is very effective for a healthy heart. The oil contains resveratrol, which is an antioxidant that has been found to reduce the risks of cancer and heart disease.

Sesame oil is very healthy. It is a good source of vitamin E, magnesium, copper, calcium, iron , and vitamin B. The oil contains sesamin and sesamolin, which both have been known to lower cholesterol and protect the liver.

Walnut oil and flaxseed oil are both high in omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseed has the highest amount of omega-3s out of all non-fish foods and the oil also contains lignans, which are chemicals that could help to prevent cancer.

September 15, 2008

Leg Pain Symptom of Deadly Blood Clot

It is found that having leg pain can be a symptom of having a deep vein thrombosis. A deep vein thrombosis forms in large veins and it is usual for them to develop in the leg and groin area. It can kill a person quickly if it moves up to the lung area where it would become a pulmonary embolism.

Symptoms of a deep vein thrombosis in the leg area includes swelling, pain, a warm spot, or discoloration of the skin. Other symptoms may include shortness of breath or having pain when breathing deeply. There are many things that can cause a thrombosis, including recent surgery, broken bones, falling, pregnancy, birth control pills, menopause hormones, and being immobile for a long period of time, and the risks increase with age, especially in people over 65, and with those who smoke or are obese.

September 3, 2008

Cell Phones Bad For Kids

There have already been links between cell phone use and brain cancer. The microwave radiation that is emitted from cell phones can affect a child's brain worse than an adult because younger skulls are thinner and less protective. The worse effects come from long term and frequent use of using wireless phones. Radiation levels vary by phone and wireless phones are assigned a number called the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). It is recommended to choose a cell phone with a lower SAR rating.

The risks of tumor growth and damage decreases as a wireless phone is moved farther from the face. It is recommended that anyone using a wireless phone should use a headset or a wireless Bluetooth device.

September 2, 2008

Ways to Fight Fatigue and Sleep Better

There are many good ways to fight the feelings of fatigue and tiredness. Not getting enough sleep each day can disrupt hormones that signal your body's need for nourishment. There are foods that can help increase energy levels and help you feel satisfied without overeating.

There are certain vitamins and minerals that can have an effect on how well you sleep. Getting the right amounts of vitamins B6 and B12, calcium, iron, and magnesium can help you to have healthy sleeping patterns. Vitamin B12 helps to fight fatigue by building strong and healthy red blood cells. It may also help insomnia by having an effect on melatonin, which is a hormone that regulates sleep cycles.

Carbohydrates can help you sleep. Eating carbohydrates, such as oatmeal and whole grain products, can increase levels of serotonin to help you sleep better.

Caffeine can keep you alert. Small amounts of caffeine over the length of a day, such as 8 ounces or less each time you drink, can keep you more awake, alert and focused than a large amount would. A large amount of caffeine would peak in the bloodstream sooner than if you spread it out and take smaller doses over a length of time.